Despite everything and everybody, especially you...
I believe in your eyes, beyond the tears
I believe in your smile, beyond the disappointment
I believe in your honesty, beyond the lie
I believe in your strength, beyond the weakness
I believe in your happiness, beyond the frustration
I believe in your forgiveness, beyond the pride
I believe in your tenderness, beyond the indifference
...I still believe in You
In ciuda a tot ce s-a intamplat si in ciuda tuturor, mai ales a ta...
Cred in ochii tai, dincolo de lacrimi
Cred in zambetul tau, dincolo de dezamagire
Cred in sinceritatea ta, dincolo de minciuna
Cred in puterea ta, dincolo de slabiciune
Cred in fericirea ta, dincolo de frustrari
Cred in iertarea ta, dincolo de mandrie
Cred in tandretea ta, dincolo de indiferenta
...cred inca in Tine
Puterea de a crede in sentimentele noastre e mai mare decat orice...
keep it up!
cred ca puterea de a crede in celalalt e si mai mare...mai ales cand totul pare sa ofere argumente impotriva a ceea ce crezi...
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