Friday, August 20, 2010

Come out of the closet !

"It's time for you to make your real feelings and beliefs known. This card asks you to reveal who you really are to yourself and others. This may involve a heart-to-heart discussion with a loved one or allowing other people to see your true nature. As a result of coming out of the closet, your relationships will deepen because you'll know that you're loved for who you really are.

Amaterasu is the Japanese Shinto sun goddess who was so bright and radiant that her parents sent her to Heavens, where she now shines down upon humanity. Amaterasu became upset when her brother the storm god was demolishing the planet, so she hid herself in a cave in protest, and the world grew cold and dark. (...) "

- Doreen virtue (Ascendent Masters Oracle cards)

Today i asked a question and this is the answer i received.
Now i know that you will "come out of the cave"...when you will realize the shining beauty of your true Self.

You are still You, shining through, no matter how dark the night...

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