Friday, June 18, 2010

Ten of wands

Card Meaning

"Never lose touch with your true hopes or decline to carry the full weight of the commitment you have made to your dreams. There is a special quality to the 10 of Wands, a singleness of purpose that only those who truly believe can know. The most important answer here is the one that concerns your sense of devotion and willingness to endure ~ to attain a personal goal by not giving up on the spiritual desire to really go all the way to the heart of your feelings and earn the kind of personal respect you know you deserve, a sort of validation for your sense of the meaning and value of love.

In the realm of emotions there is no clear way to speak of love as beginning or ending ~ when it is there, and you know you have found it, what does it matter if sometimes it comes a bit closer or when it seems that it goes a little way off just a bit too far? Give to yourself the very thing that you cannot ask of another ~ absolute unconditional love, and then take forward the wondrous burden with no purpose other than to show that what is and has been shall always be love."


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