"A fost odată ca niciodată, într-o pădure oarecare, o buburuză care a întâlnit un licurici.
Buburuza și licuriciul s-au îndrăgostit și au hotărât să rămână împreunăpentru totdeauna. Numai că, și-au dat seama că în pădure erau o mulțime de obstacole, lipsite de importanța pentru alții, dar care pe ei i-ar putea despărți: o crenguță, o pietricică, o frunză…
Și atunci, buburuza și licuriciul au hotărât să se țină tot timpul de mână, pentru ca nimic să nu-i poată despărți. Se plimbau împreună prin pădure și erau foarte fericiți. Dar într-o zi, licuriciul a constatat că buburuza dispăruse.Nu mai știa dacă el a lăsat-o de mână sau daca ea i-a dat lui drumul mâinii, dar asta nici nu contează în povestea noastră. Contează numai că licuriciul, singur și trist, a căutat buburuza sub fiecare frunză, sub fiecare crenguță, dar nu a găsit-o.
Licuriciul era din ce în ce mai trist și i se părea că pădurea nu mai are niciun gust, niciun sens, niciun farmec…Și cum se plimba licuriciul foarte trist, s-a întâlnit cu o furnică. Licuriciul i-a povestit furnicii ce i se întâmplase, iar furnica i-a spus:
-Licuriciule, poate dacă AI STRĂLUCI tare, tare, buburuza te-ar vedea, oricât de departe ar fi și s-ar întoarce la tine.
-Stii că ai dreptate ? a spus licuriciul. Eram așa de trist, încât AM UITAT SĂ STRĂLUCESC!"
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Going home
i love to speak with leonard
he’s a sportsman and a shepherd
he’s a lazy bastard
living in a suit
but he does say what i tell him
even though it isn’t welcome
he just doesn’t have the freedom
to refuse
he will speak these words of wisdom
like a sage, a man of vision
though he knows he’s really nothing
but the brief elaboration of a tube
going home
without my sorrow
going home
sometime tomorrow
going home
to where it’s better
than before
going home
without my burden
going home
behind the curtain
going home
without the costume
that i wore
he wants to write a love song
an anthem of forgiving
a manual for living with defeat
a cry above the suffering
a sacrifice recovering
but that isn’t what i need him
to complete
i want him to be certain
that he doesn’t have a burden
that he doesn’t need a vision
that he only has permission
to do my instant bidding
which is to say what i have told him
to repeat
going home
without my sorrow
going home
sometime tomorrow
going home
to where it’s better
than before
("Going Home" - Leonard Cohen)
he’s a sportsman and a shepherd
he’s a lazy bastard
living in a suit
but he does say what i tell him
even though it isn’t welcome
he just doesn’t have the freedom
to refuse
he will speak these words of wisdom
like a sage, a man of vision
though he knows he’s really nothing
but the brief elaboration of a tube
going home
without my sorrow
going home
sometime tomorrow
going home
to where it’s better
than before
going home
without my burden
going home
behind the curtain
going home
without the costume
that i wore
he wants to write a love song
an anthem of forgiving
a manual for living with defeat
a cry above the suffering
a sacrifice recovering
but that isn’t what i need him
to complete
i want him to be certain
that he doesn’t have a burden
that he doesn’t need a vision
that he only has permission
to do my instant bidding
which is to say what i have told him
to repeat
going home
without my sorrow
going home
sometime tomorrow
going home
to where it’s better
than before
("Going Home" - Leonard Cohen)
Sunday, February 5, 2012
All is welcome here
Broken hearts and broken wings
bring it all, bring everything
bring the song you fear to sing
all is welcome here.
Even if you broke your vows
a thousand times, come anyhow
step in to the power of now
all is welcome here
See the father and the sun
reunited here they come
they’re are dancing to the sacred drum
they know they are welcome here
I see the Shepherd and the mighty priest
I see the beauty and the beast
we’re singing I have been released
and I am welcome here
I stood alone at the gateless gate
to drunk on love, to hesitate
to the winds I cast my fate
and the remnants of my fear
I took a deep breath and I leapt
and I woke as if I never slept
tears of gratitude I wept
I was welcome here
So bring your laughter, bring your tears
your busy lives, your careers
and bring the pain you carried for years
all is welcome here.
Freedom is not so far away
but there is only one price we all have to pay
live our dreams ‘til they fade away
...and let’em go
all is welcome here
and now
here and now
here and now.
(All is welcome here - sung by Deva Premal & Miten)
bring it all, bring everything
bring the song you fear to sing
all is welcome here.
Even if you broke your vows
a thousand times, come anyhow
step in to the power of now
all is welcome here
See the father and the sun
reunited here they come
they’re are dancing to the sacred drum
they know they are welcome here
I see the Shepherd and the mighty priest
I see the beauty and the beast
we’re singing I have been released
and I am welcome here
I stood alone at the gateless gate
to drunk on love, to hesitate
to the winds I cast my fate
and the remnants of my fear
I took a deep breath and I leapt
and I woke as if I never slept
tears of gratitude I wept
I was welcome here
So bring your laughter, bring your tears
your busy lives, your careers
and bring the pain you carried for years
all is welcome here.
Freedom is not so far away
but there is only one price we all have to pay
live our dreams ‘til they fade away
...and let’em go
all is welcome here
and now
here and now
here and now.
(All is welcome here - sung by Deva Premal & Miten)
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